This week our friend’s church plant closed it’s doors. They started the same time we did (2006), so you can imagine the emotions that go along with one dream ending and looking to the next season of ministry. We are committed to praying for everyone involved as they move on.
With the sadness of their story, comes some blessings for our story. We will be inheriting some of their valuable items to help us further along our church. Here’s what we now own:
12 passenger Dodge Van…faithful, but ugly…sounds like it will fit in nicely…Our youth pastor and kid’s pastor passed out when they heard that we have an official church vehicle.
50 cup coffee maker – a personal thing on my prayer list for the decaf crew. Our small pot is too small and our large pot is too large. Who drinks decaf anyway????
Stages – Heavy duty stages that we could potentially use at our next campus.
Cushioned Folding chairs – 20 of them…awesome! We need more chairs and this will come in handy. There are also 20 non-cushioned ones as well.
So, we’re pretty excited! God has interesting ways of blessing North Creek, but we’ll gladly take it!
That is so amazing. I love North Creek Church and everyone in it. We truly have been blessed as a church. I am glad to call North Creek church my home church. :O)