Cole’s Lullaby

I wrote a few days ago about Edee. I mentioned her daughter, Kristi, who was one of my best friends all growing up. Kristi loved music since we were kids and I can remember singing into the tape recorder with her often. While I went one direction to Seattle, she went the other to Nashville to pursue music.

Now she has one of her songs, Cole’s Lullaby, on Itunes. If you download it, all of the proceeds go to adoptions. Enjoy! And, Kristi…I’m so proud of you!

Here’s the story behind the song:

“My best childhood friend had her first baby this year and he was three and a half months early. She lives in Portland and I live in Nashville. I didn’t feel like there was anything I could do to help or to ease her pain, I felt useless being so far away. I thought about that little boy (Cole) so helpless in the NICU and my friend not being able to hold her little boy or to comfort him. So I wrote “Cole’s Lullaby” for the family, I thought every child should have their own lullaby. I felt like the most important thing a child could know is that they are loved and always have a safe place to call home, no matter where they are. I was sitting at a restaurant finishing the lyrics to the song and my dear friend Ashli York met me to tell me about her recent mission trip to Ethiopia with Ordinary Hero. She told me her sister wanted to adopt one of the orphans from Ethiopia but that it was an expensive process to bring a child over to the United States. I instantly knew I was to record and donate the proceeds of the lullaby to this adoption, and adoptions in the future. I know I was meant to write that song for Cole (who just got to come home this month and is doing well), and now I hope that song raises lots of money so that other children can find a safe place to call home.”

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