Due Time
The other night I was sitting with my girls and Delaney said, “Mom, I’m really worried about my wedding day. How am I going to kiss a boy in front of all of those people?”
I have to admit that I laughed out loud at her absolute cuteness. I reassurred her that she would figure all of these things out in due time. (I also told her that I would get pyrotechnics to light off indoor fireworks for her just like we did almost fifteen years ago. The shock of the fireworks will definitely stop people from focusing on the infamous kiss!)
With all of the transitions going on with the details of an additional campus and acclimating another church into our world, I am probably guilty of some similar moments with God. I’ve been pouring over the details in my mind, trying to make sure I’ve got a handle on everything. Needless to say, it can be overwhelming on a good day and hit us like a tsunami on a rough day. So, I pray and the only thing I ever get back from Heaven is, “We’ll figure all of these things out in due time.”
Ironically, that is the answer that I most appreciate from God. Just like the Sunday School song from years past, I know that He has the whole world in His hands. He’s got a handle on the big picture AND the details. Just as I know that Delaney will be MORE than happy to kiss her husband on that fateful day, all of our details will come with nervous joy in due time.
I’m sure you have things in your life that rush over you with panic and fear. We all do to one degree or another! And I hope that the still, small voice in your heart reminds you that most of what you are worrying about will work itself out for His glory…in due time.
thanks for this one. it is a great perspective that I don’t want to forget
Great reminder, thanks!