With the upcoming adoption of another church, we’ve spent the majority of time talking about HOW we do church. We’ve been entrenched in conversations that are very important about how our systems work, what our kids and youth programs look like, how we go about church discipline, and the myriad of structure stuff that is vital, but not life-giving. So, to give myself some reprieve from the trenches, this blog is dedicated to WHY I give my life for His Church.
People in our church are from all types of life, perspective, and cultures, which constantly grows my life, perspective, and culture.
Multiple families in our church have been restored from affairs, financial disaster, and division by the grace of God.
Teenagers in our church see past status and love their peers. I believe that students aren’t committing suicide, aren’t doing drugs, and are living out their dreams because of Jesus.
Hunter is a toddler and his favorite saying is, “I love the Coffee Church.” His early childhood memories will be ENJOYING God’s House. He will find it easy to love Jesus if he loves Jesus’ bride.
People feel welcome in our church no matter what they wear, what they look like, and how much ink they are sporting.
Men in our church have started reading their Bibles and are leading their families.
We’ve baptized over twenty people in the last year.
We have strong, empowered women who love the Lord with all of their hearts. They are not gossipers, but they are life-givers.
Last week I got to teach someone in our church how to pray. (There’s no wrong way!)
We’ve had people miraculously healed from pain and sickness in our midst.
Our team would literally do anything for Christ and are willing to try new things at every turn.
We hand out people’s first Bibles like Halloween candy. There’s LIFE in those pages and we are changing history every time we equip someone with His Word.
Many people fasted for the first time ever last month.
I love to see people laugh and smile at church. I know that people come in with real pain and problems, but I always want our church to be full of joy and a respite from it all.
People are happy and blessed to volunteer and thank us all of the time for “letting” them serve. No, really, thank YOU!
My kids LOVE ministry and being the pastor’s kids. They live a life that is full of friends and fun.
So, that’s WHY we do what we do! It’s like a breath of fresh air to my busy brain! Now back to that “other” business! 😉