Feb. 12/13 Highlights

Busy weekend!

Congrats to Bill and Alexandria Seavey on their marriage! They got married on Friday and it was an honor to be a part of their lives and this marriage devoted to Jesus.

We had lots of people home sick. I got more calls for volunteers needing to cancel on this one weekend than we usually get in a few months. We pray that you get well quickly! We missed you and look forward to seeing you next weekend.

Chris Harold preached a great message to close out our Game Plan series. I really enjoyed this series and it came at such an ironic season for us as we are looking at the next step of faith for this church and our lives. It’s going to be a bright future and we look forward to it.

A young man came bounding over to me this morning and said, “Guess what!?!?! On Monday, I accepted Jesus!” He was SO excited and so am I! Way to go!

I interrupt kid’s classes for a hobby. I like messing with the kids and ticking off teachers who are trying to get them to concentrate…. Mostly, I just want the kids to know that I’m in their lives. I got the privilege of the 9:30 am Great Adventurer’s class quoting their memory verse just for me. It was a long one and they nailed it! Great job to Ben who lead the whole class!

We had four new people at staff meeting today as we are expanding our team in preparation for the future. SHARP people who are called to ministry and using their lives to glorify God. I can’t wait to work with them and watch their gifts grow our church and my life! Fresh blood is a healthy thing!

Did you know it will take about $50,000 to start another campus for the first year? Only about $5,000 of that is upfront costs and the rest is month to month expenses above and beyond expected tithing income. That’s not a lot of money to have lives changed…

Living a life on the edge of faith and constantly stepping out is crazy fun! You really do get conditioned to do things that don’t make sense on paper, but make complete sense in your spirit. And God always shows up!

Mark and Joe skipped out on our church for part of service to go and visit The Link Church. Our friends started it four weeks ago, so it was fun for them to go and celebrate with them! We are praying for God’s blessing on that new church as well!

OK, I’m ready for a good night’s sleep after a full weekend! I hope you have a great week and Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

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