February 15 Coffee Church Highlights
I hope this blog finds you in the middle of this gorgeous sunshine! In the Pacific Northwest we always get this one glorious burst of spring WAY too early. It deceives us into digging out our flip flops and mowing the lawn, but beware because the rain will come back with a vengeance! Enjoy it while you can!
Sunday was really, really good. I am thoroughly enjoying our series on Treasure. It’s about money, but it’s also about our hearts. We’ve got to surrender what we are to Jesus if we want to enjoy this thing called Christianity. Our own disobedience robs us from the adventure of faith!
I also watched a very humbling moment as a single mom came up to talk to me about tithing. God had impressed on her heart over the last several months to tithe, but the number on the check seemed overwhelming. I looked at the check and felt her angst. That money could repair the car, feed the children, and give her “comfort”. But then she said, “God has brought me back from some really hard times. He’ll take care of me now.” She put her check in the offering with a smile. And you know what? There is NO doubt in my mind that God will honor her obedience with a deep blessing. He is faithful.
Our small groups are all rocking and rolling again. We are studying the book of Mark, so if you aren’t in a small book, let me encourage you to pick up your Bible and jump in with us anyway. We’re right around the corner from a teaching series on the book of Mark called Encounters, so it will tie together nicely for your spiritual walk.
Remember we have a Financial Seminar for you THIS Saturday. You can sign up online and get all the info you need at www.coffeechurch.com. It’s all at the bottom of the main page!
We have a few volunteer needs right now, if you’re interested. We need Sunday morning help in Tiny Town and Nursery at both campuses, as well as media computer at Battle Ground. We also need childcare workers for our youth staff kids on Thursday nights. AND we need some outside maintenance help at Hazel Dell during the week. If you can do any of that, can you email me at stacy@coffeechurch.com. We’d appreciate your help in making our ministries run smoothly!
Our budget is $32,000 a month to run our two hearing churches and our deaf church. That also enables us to support a dozen missionaries and Be Present giving to our community. We know how important your giving is, so if you’d ever like a financial breakdown of how we function, we’d love to share that with you. We do a lot with our resources and want you to feel great about supporting our church!
EASTER is going to ROCK!!! We are taking both of our campuses to Prairie High School for ONE big service! More info is coming quickly, but it’s going to be amazing and so much fun. Invite your friends and family now. We have plenty of seating in the auditorium!
Well, the world needs you. Desperately. There’s too much hate and there’s too much evil. The GOOD news is that all of the power that Jesus contains has been given to YOU. Be bold, be strong, and do not fear.