From Pastor Mark
It is with great excitement that we have decided to change to a 9:00 am and 10:30 am service format! After a successful Easter service and the fact that our 10:30 am service is overfull on a regular basis, we are permanently shifting to two services beginning immediately.
We would like for you to consider shifting from our 10:30 am service to 9:00 am on a regular basis if that works best for your family. As we determine who is moving to the 9:00 am service, we will begin to establish new leadership/volunteer teams for that service. We are not expecting you to serve in the opposite service that you regularily attend (with the exception of our worship team).
We are still planning on having great children’s programs at both services. Starting Point will still be meeting during our 9:00 am service.
Many of you knew this shift was inevitable, but if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
As we pray and seek God’s direction, I sense a new season of growth for our church. Once again we are taking a step of faith and anticipating that God will fill our church with new lives! We look forward to the future!
Pastor Mark