Good Works
My message on Sunday was a reminder for our congregation that we need to live a lifestyle of good works. Although doing good cannot earn your way to Heaven, our example of Christ can help other people get there.
I have had the pleasure of hearing stories all week about acts of kindness that have been flowing out of the people of North Creek this week.
My favorite story was a couple who left our service on their way to an afternoon they had planned together…a nice date at a movie theatre. However, God changed their plans that day. They sat in the car, unable to do anything but think about how they would help someone with their extra time. Their plan ended up including buying food and gathering clothing for the homeless. As they went on their mission to bless people, God led them to two men who were hungry and had just got done praying for food. That couple had the privilege of being their answer to prayer for that day.
A teenager in our congregation sat with his dad and expressed that he wanted to take money out of his saving account to help fix a car for someone in need.
Another couple gave a waitress an extra $10 to give to her daughter who was celebrating her 10th birthday that day while mom was at work.
And the list goes on and on…
These stories bless me and challenge me to the core of who I am. Some of them have been down right miraculous events. If you’ve told me a story this week, remember to write them either directly to me at or on our Facebook page…
Now, I’m off to take a lady from our church to a doctor’s appointment. She had knee surgery recently and can’t walk on her own yet. I think that will be my good work of the day! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring!