Love from Arizona

I just received the coolest email that I thought I would share with you. I had put this post on our North Creek Facebook page:

North Creek! You are the coolest and most generous church ever! If you are looking for a way to do a good work this week…email me! I’ve got several families in mind in our church who could use some blessings – specifically grocery gift cards would rock! Also, if you want to give money to families from North Creek who are struggling, drop money in the offering box labeled “Benevolence”. It’s a tax deductible way for us to have the means to help pay bills for some of our families who are going through a rough time.

I received this email back from my childhood best friend who now lives in Arizona. (Yes, she will be mortified that I put this on my blog, but I don’t care!)

Hello from AZ,
I read your post and it hit hard. Kurt and I want to help, but not sure how to get funds to you. I see through the Church website that there is a general giving, but not sure if that is where we can. Please email and let me know.
We have been blessed with a wonderful job. Kurt just started and we want to give to others that are in the same boat we just got out of.

I LOVE this spirit! She lives thousands of miles away and wants to bless people that she will probably never meet. Isn’t that the heart that we should have towards giving?!?!?! Thanks, Robin and Kurt! Your heart for people is awesome!

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