I Love My Inbox
There have been some seasons of ministry where my inbox was my enemy. Right now is not one of those seasons. Everytime I go to my inbox someone else is emailing us something incredible that is happening in their world.
It’s motivating to me because I LOVE growth. I’m addicted to growth. I love to grow and I love to hear how other people are growing. It’s like watching the Olympics of Christianity right now. People are pushing themselves to win. And they are winning.
Here’s the latest email to share with you. I hope that it encourages you as well.
I want to share how our 90 day challenge is making a difference in my life. The more I read, I do feel that God is speaking into my life. Telling me that it is okay to let go and put my trust in Him. There are still areas of my life that I need to do better in, and He knows them. As each day passes, I can’t wait to get into my reading again, to learn more about Him on a more intimate level.
Since I can see that my son talks about Jesus and God, I NEED to be a good model for him. I can feel myself becoming stronger spiritually through this challenge.
I also want to point out from Stacy’s message, when she mentioned that she and Mark are wanting to rely and trust in God more in the area of finances, that I feel this is an area for me as well. I have been out of work since August and only through his Holy Spirit have we managed to get through our own “re-org”.
Thank you Pastor Mark for putting this challenge before us! This has been AWESOME for me!