It’s a Sign


This picture says it all.  Mark, myself, and Kim got the privilege of putting up our sign today.  North Creek Church has a home!  When we began this journey two and a half years ago, our team really went into it with all we had.   Nearly 40 people unified together for an idea and a hope.  And today was just one of the rewards of SO much work so long ago.  It’s not just about the last two months; it’s about God’s faithfulness and jumping off the cliff of faith with both feet and no parachute.

So, if you’re looking for a sign to make a decision to live for Him and jump off of the cliff with Him, we have one. 🙂

  1. Rachael said:

    Stacy & Pastor Mark,
    That is so exciting!! It looks amazing!! Thanks to Veronica again & again!!
    I love North Creek!!
    Rachael Y

  2. I am so overjoyed to see for the first time, the sign of North Creek Church placed to be the permenant established place of worship and serving Jesus Christ in Hazel Dell/ Salmon Creek community. I pray for God’s imprint on each one of you and new ones who will come. May God anoint and bless everyone who enters including those who only came for other reasons. Looking to see the amazing things that God will accomplish through this ministry. If I lived near the school nearby I would be ever so thankful that no more evil or darkness shall be and the etarnal light of the Gospel will reign for God’s Glory.

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