June 19 Highlights

Happy Father’s Day! In the most appropriate sense…I love the men of North Creek! They are such good men who bring their families to church, read the Word, work on their marriages, and give life the effort it needs. I am excited to raise my daughters in an environment where she sees LOTS of husbands and fathers who are doing a great job of modeling Christ. I will also be glad to let them marry a son of one of these great men because they will become what is modeled for them!

On another note…I was in a funk this morning…I blame the weather. Yet another cloudy weekend. Come on summer, you can arrive any time.

We are still in full force raising money to get into a new building with an expanded vision! Exciting future ahead of us! We have a generous church and with a solid picture of God’s heart for people.

I know I obsessively talk about our worship team, but man…TALENT AND HEART!!!

Favorite picture of the day – Grandma Dix (in her 90’s) eating a hot dog with the dads on the front patio.

I was talking to Roy about how hard it is to separate your job from your “life”, when you love your job. This is a good problem!

I would not sacrifice the culture of our church for anything. Pastors – focus more time molding and shaping what your church looks like than how many people attend it. If the culture is catchy, the attendance will catch up. Maybe I’ll write my first book about that…

No staff meeting on Father’s Day. Desperately miss our team when we don’t get to sit around a table together. Our team is made up of mostly volunteers. You know you are blessed when the people who work for free are the people you would pay if you had the budget. Sometimes volunteers are just the smucks who were willing to do it and not the top notch, quality leaders you need. We have top notch leaders and when our budget grows, we will not be taking applications.

We took Mark and my father-in-law bowling last night! It was really fun to watch my girls bowl. Kennedy did a victory dance every time a pin went down. Grandpa got the best score – probably because he bowls once a week and has for years! We all had a great time!

Have a great week!

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