May 15 Coffee Church Highlights

SO grateful to an amazing staff of leaders and volunteers that allowed Mark and I to go to our daughter’s gymnastics state championship on Sunday morning!  I cannot tell you what a gift it is to be able to leave without any worry about North Creek getting quality ministry.

It was a particularly interesting Sunday as our Service Coordinator, Rachael, and I were both gone.  Rachael’s parents are having some medical issues, so she is visiting them in California for a bit.  Add her family to your prayer list!  Thank you to Melissa McGraw and Kris Gray for jumping in and getting everything done well in our absence!!!

We had our Internet Safety class on Sunday that went exceptionally well.  We had over 50 people engage in protecting themselves and their families. Thank you so much to Cheryl Bledsoe for sharing your wisdom with us!

Chris preached the next part of our Dear Parent series.  If you have missed any of these messages, I encourage you to catch them online at  Such valuable information for us as we lead our families!

We are currently looking for a building!  It’s exciting to be at that point, but there isn’t much out there to look at.  Would you be praying that God would open the perfect door for us?  Can’t wait for the future to be the present!!!  Good things are ahead for North Creek!

Would you also pray for the POWER of Jesus to impact people’s hearts and lives?  Our nation is in chaos.  More than ever before, we need to be in His Word, standing firm on the mandates of Jesus, and believing that Jesus will RENEW people’s lives.  When we, as Christians, stop believing that God can change people, we have nothing left.  Did you hear that?  GOD CHANGES US.  We don’t have to be the same, bound by the same sins, stuck in the same patterns.  We can be set free and live the life that God wants us to live!

I’m praying for you!  And we are so glad to be pastors at this church.  It is an honor and a privilege to be at the heart of God’s will with you incredible people!  Let’s go change the world!





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