May 29 Highlights
It’s Memorial Day weekend….we honor our fallen heroes with deep gratitude! Those of us who live our lives in religious freedom on a daily basis should be most appreciative. Our right to talk about God, our beliefs and our values is the greatest gift in the world!
Happy Birthday to my daughter, Kennedy! She was born on Memorial Day five years ago. We had our staff over for a BBQ yesterday and I’m pretty sure she thought it was her personal birthday party! She had a great time playing!
Greg, Gregory and Erin Christie were back with us this weekend. They moved to California about a year ago and were back to finish up some moving details! They are part of our founding families who helped launch this church and honestly, when they walk in the building, everything just seems right with the world. They will ALWAYS be a part of our church and our hearts, so it was a joy to have them!
I expected a lower attendance due to the holiday. Nope. One of our highest ever.
We officially have four pregnant ladies at our church…again. Ranging from 6 weeks to 36 weeks, so at least we’ll spread out the love a little this time around! And yes, I’m purposely not posting names. You’ll just have to figure it out!
One of our newest young adults told Mark that being at North Creek is like falling in love. Not sure I’m making that into a bumper sticker, but it is sweet!
I thought I would mention that our 9:30 am service starts at 9:30 am. We’re crazy like that.
We are doing great on our giving towards the building. Mark and I’s personal goal for our church is that everybody gives something. We want all of our hearts and lives entangled in this miracle, rather than a few people feeling like a part. Give something! If you think giving is about money, it’s not. It’s about faith and your spiritual growth. Let’s do this together!
Great job to Alissa and the worship team! We have some pipes on that stage. The vocal kind, not the organ kind. And a shout out to our sound and media team! We have some really great people who serve faithfully in the back for hours on end and we appreciate you!
The owners (and chef) of La Bottega were with us this weekend. They are supporting 19 Cents of Faith by putting a portion of their proceeds towards our community goal. We had dinner at La Bottega on Friday! I’ll blog about it this week! We appreciate their support and the visit to see how we are doing!
I hope you enjoyed this day to remember our troops!