November 27/28 Highlights

YIKES! I think I took a major blog vacation during the Thanksgiving holiday! Lots of family and friends to occupy my time and my house! It was a nice break, but I’m glad to be back in the routine of things…my children desperately need to be introduced back into an appropriate bed time!

Church this weekend was wonderful! Lee Malone spoke on being teachable. It was a great message and if you were listening closely, it was quite gutting. The reality is that we hear things all the time and choose not to follow through on what we KNOW is right. Gossip, tithing, reading our Bibles, obeying our parents…you name it, we hear it, understand it, and choose to do what we WANT to do.

Kayla Heath gave us the sweetest card. It came on the heels of a long week and was a much appreciated reprieve from the trenches of issues.

I walked into the 10:30 am Little Adventurer’s class and some of the kids lined up to get a hug from me. That’s my paycheck right there. Nothing is better than a 3 year old throwing their arms around your neck because they think you are a pretty important person!

We had the lowest offerings of the year this month…ironically it was also our highest average attendance ever. We need about $12,000 a month to function as a church, but we are a few thousand shy of that for the first time this year. If you’d like to help us with that problem, you can still give online for November via our website at We would appreciate it a lot!

We had Peppermint Mocha creamer this week. To put it simply…that was a big hit. At one point I was afraid a fight might break out over it. We really like our coffee at the Coffee Church…

So many people are asking me for ways to Give Back this holiday season. Here’s a couple of ways:
1. We have a blue tub in the foyer for canned food. We will disperse what we get to several needy families that we have on our list.
2. You can ALWAYS give to our benevolence fund by marking your envelope BENEVOLENCE. That money is used by North Creek to buy Walmart or Winco gift cards to give to people who have very few resources. We also use that money to help people pay bills. Most of that money goes to people who actually attend our church, serve alongside of you in ministry, and are quietly going through some desperate situations. They are leaving abusive homes or have been laid off of work or are single moms doing their best. Benevolencce money is the body of Christ in action and it is always an honor to help people through the darkest times in their lives.
3. I work at a homeless shelter in Vancouver. If you’d like to volunteer, email me at and I will get you connected.
4. Something specific? I’ve always got a specific family up my sleeve that I know needs a blessings. Just talk to me and we’ll see what we can drum up!

Thanks for being a generous church!

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