November 6 Highlights
So much good news to report from a great weekend!
TWO more women told me they are pregnant yesterday…it’s a secret, though, so you’ll have to wait! Yes, we have ALOT of babies on the way at North Creek. Can I just tell you how much I appreciate the nursery workers at our church?!?!?!
On that note, Chris preached yesterday on God’s plan for sex. Apparently a large percentage of our audience has already figured that one out…
Seriously, it was a great sermon on a very difficult subject. Bottom line: sex is designed as a gift for marriage. Anything else comes with guilt, pain, and regret. My favorite line: our spouse is our ONLY outlet to have our sexual needs fulfilled. Is that true for your life? If not, change today!
Worship was excellent! Matt was on the keys for the first time at North Creek. It was pretty cool! We sang an old hymn called “It is Well”. And yes, it is well.
After so long in ministry, I can say with certainty that there will always be people in our lives struggling. It is a part of the journey and one that I now find joy in as I watch God work in the midst of it. Struggles often equate to birthing something new and amazing in our lives. Not easy, but always worth it. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you’ll be alright.
Looking forward to 2012! We sense that God has an interesting year for us!
Alex Malone spoke in the kid’s ministry yesterday. He’s in junior high and clearly anointed by God to use his mouth for His glory! Way to go, Alex!
We had one of our highest attendances ever this weekend. When we start putting chairs back to the Kid’s Checkin desk, I’ll be the one giggling behind you, pressed against the back wall. I find this hilarious and can’t wait to see God’s solution to our “problem!”
Make sure you vote today! If you want a nation that honors Christ, use your vote to do so!
And last, but not least, it is Kim Goodrich’s 40th birthday!!!!! She’s an awesome friend, kid’s pastor, leader, wife, and mom! And yes, I just blogged her age for the world to see! We love you, Kim, and can’t wait to grow even older with you!