Oct. 9 Highlights

Another rainy Sunday! It must be officially fall in the Northwest!

Church was good! We had several families who ran the Portland Marathon, so congrats to all of you who did it! Our youth pastor, Kris, was one of them, so we are pretty proud of her.

Jace is one of our Tiny Town Kids. He always has jewels of wisdom, so here is the life lesson from yesterday: “Sharing is hard. And life isn’t always fair.” Yep, that about sums it up! The wisdom of a four year old…

Mark spoke on giving people grace…tough subject! It seems so simple until you think of all the things that you stand for that other people may not agree with. What is the balance between having your own standards and unconditionally loving others in spite of theirs? And how to we make each other better people in the midst of that? Interesting stuff to think about and study on!

Worship rocked! Love the songs, love the style, love it all.

The next series is called Weird. I’m excited about it! Brace yourselves! It will mess with your opinions and lifestyles. The simple fact is that Christianity should push against what the world considers to be normal. Does your life push against it? Can’t wait…

My mom is in town visiting right now. She’s amazing! We eat fresh, gooey cinnamon rolls and she runs my kids the whole time until they are exhausted! It’s always fun!

We had lots of new guests this weekend and some old friends came back to visit as well. We have a lot of people in our church that probably didn’t think that church was ever going to be a part of their lives. We are honored that they consider North Creek their home and are hearing about Jesus!

Simply Worship is Friday, Oct. 14 from 7-8:00 pm. Bring the kids from birth-8 years old in the jammies! We’ve got a movie and popcorn planned for them. Older kids are welcome to worship with us! Also, if you want to bring some cookies, we’ll plan on staying a while afterward to drink coffee and eat cookies together. Chris Harold has promised some spiced cider, too, so we’ll see what he whips up!

I hope that you have a gracious week! Give somebody grace who really doesn’t deserve it because you don’t either!

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