October 19 Coffee Church Highlights

I really hope you are having a great week!

It is amazing to have so many people in our church reading the book of Mark. I spent Sunday asking people what they were learning in the book of Mark and it flowed into many profound conversations.  Such a gift to be diving into the Bible together.  One common theme in our conversations is that we feel overwhelmed by the Bible.  I say that is a good thing: God wrote the Bible….of course it will take us all of eternity to fathom Him and His Word.  Our job is not to always understand it, but to immerse ourselves in it and allow God to bring to light what we need at the right time.

I continue to have conversations with people in our church about financial obedience.  It seems to be a theme that God is laying on a lot of hearts at this time.  A common thread that people keep saying is that they KNOW they should be tithing, but they just haven’t DONE it.  If that is you, I am sincerely praying for you!  This is simply a spiritual stronghold and in the name of Jesus it needs to be broken.  We cannot serve two masters and if you aren’t giving, your master is your money.  Unfortunately, there is only one way to break this stronghold in your life and that is to take your money and physically separate it from yourself by giving it.  There is no other way than your own decision and action.  God will not be commandeering your checkbook and doing it for you.

On that note, one of the ways that Mark and I stay faithful in this area is automatic withdrawal of regular amounts.  We don’t forget, we don’t make excuses…it just leaves our account and we budget accordingly.  By the way…that’s what I call “bottom of the barrel” giving.  We also pray about how and where to give more!

Our youth groups had their leader’s retreat this weekend and it was a phenomenal weekend!  Would you pray for the Grays and the Marbreys as they lead our youth?  Such a tough job in our society and they need your prayers and encouragement.  Janel came home the other night to flowers on her porch from the parent of a teen.  When I saw that I thought, “Yep, that’s the kind of church I want.  One that loves and supports their spiritual leaders!”  Way to go, North Creek!

We are looking for some more workers in our Tiny Town environment at both campuses.  If you are interested in serving once a month in that area or another area, would you jump online at www.coffeechurch.com and sign up to volunteer?  It’s one of the best ways to get to know people!

By the way, if you are one of our volunteers we are planning an awesome Christmas party on December 5.  You’ll be spoiled, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wish the whole world could be a North Creek volunteer….( That’s another great reason to sign up to volunteer before then.)  Mark your calendars and more info will be coming soon.

Well, I’m pretty excited.  I sense a change in the air ahead of us and it’s all good…depth in our relationships with each other and with Christ….life change that alters our futures and the futures of our children…freedom from the rut we tend to run in…obedience followed by the richness of being in right relationship with our Holy King….

Let’s go change the world…by starting with ourselves!

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