September 27, 2009
How do I possibly sum up a day like today? There are way too many variables to give it one word! Today was our three year anniversary celebration and we know how to celebrate!
Here are my highlights:
Troy Jones, our friend and mentor, called at 6:58 am to wish our church a happy birthday. A little thing that made a big difference. He pastors a church of about 2500 in Renton and yet we were important to his morning. Believing in people is powerful.
Delaney’s two best friends from preschool came and I didn’t even invite them specifically! It was SO fun to see them all together at church. I screamed like a little girl when they walked in the door. Thanks, Pastor Kim, for investing in my daughter and her friends!
We baptized 8 people and heard each of their testimonies. What an incredible experience! Congrats to Helen, Alex, Matthew, Rachel, Ryan, Jack, Amber, and Erin. We are beaming with pride because of your stand for Christ! You are each so deeply important to my life.
We had 215 people at church today! Our highest attendance previously had been 176 (on Easter). That’s alot of growth and I am EXCITED about it. Included in that number were some faces that I hadn’t seen in a while and that was really awesome.
Tonight 20 people got plugged into a small group! Congrats to those of you who are plugged in and those of you who just got some great people in your group. And big props to the Men’s Group that picked up nine men…which is especially interesting, since there weren’t nine men in the room to sign up. Wives were signing up their husbands via the phone!
Mackenzie gets a lot of press time on my blog. She’s about 8 and just adorable. Today she brought me a 25 cent ring that I wore all morning. I’ll keep it forever. Why? Because the last three years were for families just like hers. They didn’t have a church background and now they are like family to us. She reminds me weekly that my measure of importance is in the eyes of a child. I’m not here to impress dignitaries. I here to make a child feel the love of Jesus.
We have a great team! Thanks to all who helped in big and small ways to make today a success.
You may have noted that I felt like God said 300 people will attend on this day. I was apparently wrong, but I’m still convinced that God spoke to my heart. That number and that dream forced me to invite people and encourage people that I wouldn’t have done without that prompt in my spirit. And I also know that there are always things that my eyes cannot see. Who was invited that God knows will come, but it just didn’t happen today? The reality is that we had just shy of 100 more people in our church than last week. That’s pretty significant when you know that we had 215 today. It’s an astronomical jump in one day and is nothing short of a miracle. I might be wrong about the specifics, but don’t let that overshadow the move of God that we were a part of today. Praise Jesus!
God has a way of keeping us grounded. I ended a long and important day with Delaney saying, “Mom, look at all of the caterpillar poop.” She had in front of her a container where she collected all of the droppings from her “pet”. What else could there be in a day?
Here’s to another three years!
Can you leave a ‘like’ on blog posts the way you do on facebook? What a great day!