Take It To The Limit

On Sunday my husband preached a message that we desperately try to live out…do less stuff that doesn’t matter and give more time to your friends and family.  Kris Gray sent me a great site that has the same idea – www.adventconspiracy.com.  Check it out! 

Last night we invited Jeff, Angela, and our neighbors over for dessert.  No big party, nothing fancy, kids came in their pj’s, we sat on the couch and I consciously chose not to worry about the house being perfect.  When everyone arrived, my kid’s weren’t stressed by my frantic cleaning and panic, my husband wasn’t frustrated with having to make sure every detail was perfect, and my house looked “good enough.”  And then the miracle happened…everyone talked, laughed, enjoyed themselves, and RELAXED!  When they left, it took a few minutes to clean up the house.  I am pretty sure that Jesus would have celebrated His birthday the same way…just looking in people’s eyes and caring about their life. 

Mark and I recently went through the “busiest” season of our lives with the new building.  It was quite the experiment for us.  We abandoned our ideals of boundaries for two months.  We gave more than we should and pushed ourselves to the limit.  And do you know what happened…we fought, we grew weary, the relationship with our kids spiraled into that cycle of disobedience on their part and frustration on our part.  Our house was a mess, our bills were piling up, and our cars were breaking down. 

The minute that building was done, we went back to our rules as a family.  And what happened?  Peace set in quickly.  Mark brought roses home for me again and I made him his favorite dinners.  The kids realized mom and dad were “back” and straightened up quickly.  Order was restored.  Our home, although always part messy with two toddlers, was clean underneath the toys. 

This “experiment” reminded us once again of the need to constantly tell people to STOP!  Some people live to the limit all of the time.  Our families are hurting because we settle for good instead of best.  We have disobedient kids, sexless marriages, horrible finances, and stress related health issues…we are walking messes!  It’s time that we ask ourselves what can give.

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