Welcome to Chris and Gina Harold!
This is a monumental day in the life of North Creek! But to understand it’s importance, you’ll need to step back in time 5 and a half years ago.
On September 24, 2006 we celebrated the Grand Opening of North Creek Church. It was that day that Chris and Gina Harold walked in the door with their new baby, Isaiah. We had known Gina years before as a student in our youth ministry. She had been in Kris Gray’s small group and was in the first class we graduated at our previous church. Chris and Gina had just moved back to Vancouver and needed a church. That day they became a part of our church and our hearts.
Chris has played multiple roles throughout the last five years at North Creek, but all the while has been very successful in a full time job. We watched their family carry the weight of ministry and career with grace and determination, but it has long been our desire to hire Chris full time. Today is that day.
Chris will be preaching 40+ times a year at either one of our campuses, bringing creativity to the table on multiple fronts, heading up future building plans/dreams, continuing to provide leadership within the youth ministry alongside Gina, and developing leaders as part of his new job. Needless to say, we are very excited to have Chris’ influence for 40 hours a week within our church and the community.
Last Sunday Chris talked about his dream for a Porsche as part of always wanting “more”. There’s a good chance that he gave up that desire yesterday along with his corporate job. He traded prestige for a pulpit and worldly wealth for God’s call to ministry. We know that decision never comes lightly, but we also know that God will bless it beyond what Chris and Gina can possibly imagine…not only in their lives, but in Isaiah and Jezrae’s lives as well. We are very impressed that they chose to listen to what God asked of them and take the step of faith. Here’s to a bright future!
So congratulations to the Harold Family and congratulations to North Creek! This is quite the adventure and today marks yet another exciting part of it. With tears in our eyes and anticipation in our hearts, we give all the glory to God. He has done great things.
momunental day, indeed! i’m son honored and humbled and EXCITED to have this family be a part of what we do full time…love you guys!
Yipee!! Today is a hard anniversary for me actually and God gave me something to smile about instead! 🙂
Congratulations to them and congratulations to us, we get to reap the benefits! I hope they are as excited as we are!
So proud, humbled, and overjoyed at this development. Congratulations Harold family!!!