It’s the Little Things


 I love caramel apples.  They are my favorite treat, especially from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.  So, on Valentine’s Day, my husband hit a home run with $4.95.  It really doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but he knows what I like and he went out of his way to bless me.  It made my whole day and everytime I walked past my yummy caramel apple, I couldn’t help but smile.  I smiled even more when I got to eat it later that evening! 

On a spiritual note, I think God is just as easily pleased with our life when we do the little things.  From what I read in Scripture, it seems as though God is pretty happy when we choose not to gossip or to choose to forgive that person that cut us off in traffic.  Sometimes I think it’s easy to gauge our lives on the bigger picture…”Well, I’m a nice person.  I don’t steal and I haven’t murdered anybody.”  But integrity is based much more on the quiet decisions…the decisions that people may or may not ever see us making.

I’m really happy that Mark is a good husband on the big picture.  I’m glad he’s faithful to me and a good dad to my kids.  But there’s just something about a silly apple covered in sugar that tells me that he’s not jut committed to this thing called marriage.  He’s in love with ME. 

My hope is that everytime God passes by me, He smiles.  Not because I’ve nailed the Ten Commandments, but also because we’re in a real relationship where I’m concerned about the little things.  I want God to smile and say, “She’s in love with ME!”

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