January 8 Highlights

We’re back to our regular schedule! No more holiday weekends! I love the holidays, but I also appreciate having “normal” weekends at the Coffee Church. Whatever normal is…

Mark preached a pretty earth-shattering message. You’ll have to catch it later this week online, but let me tell you…when God speaks to your heart that He wants you to walk on water, you’re going to feel like an idiot stepping out of the boat. The good news…you’ll be a part of a miracle that otherwise would have passed you by.

We had a camera crew from our Network Office at our service, as they are doing a little promo video about the Coffee Church. If you want to make a roomful of people extremely nervous, just bring a video camera with you!

We love being pastors and doing ministry! We truly can’t imagine doing anything else and are so grateful to be living our lives getting to tell people about Jesus. It’s a roller coaster ride for sure, but other than the gut-wrenching drops…it’s worth it!

We have an amazing team and board. We had two different meetings with them yesterday and we are abundantly blessed by GREAT people who just want to see people’s lives changed! We differ on so many aspects of our personalities, but our value to make a difference keeps us in focus.

I hope you believe in miracles…we have SO much in store for our church this year and they are the fulfillment of one miracle after another. Can’t wait to tell you the details!

We love celebrating big wins and small wins with people. On Sundays we hear everything from potty training success to healings! It’s real life!

Would you pray with us for a young man named Cody? He’s the boy in La Center who collapsed at practice last week. His second cousin attends our church and we’ve been praying for this family since then. Join us!

Let’s change the world with faith.

1 comment
  1. Rachel S. said:

    As you may have heard on the news, Cody from La Center passed away this morning. I go to school with Cody’s cousin’s step-sister. She is confident he is rejoicing in heaven but has asked for prayers for his family’s peace as they grieve over him.

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