May 29 Coffee Church Highlights
Happy Birthday to my daughter, Kennedy, this weekend! Such an amazing young lady that is growing into a beautiful woman of God! She was born on Memorial Day, which is a fitting tribute to honor the fact that so many people have given their lives for our freedom to raise our children in God-honoring families in a free country. Although Memorial Day is about those who we have lost, it is also worth honoring those of you who are serving and putting your lives on the line for all of us. We honor those who are gone and those who are going!
It was a rough weekend overall as one of our members, Jim Johnson, died very unexpectedly on Saturday. His entire family attends our church and are dealing with the details this week as they cope with their loss. If you can help with meals, click HERE to sign up. We appreciate all of you who are able to jump in when a family, that you may or may not know, is suffering. That really is the beauty of the church. Johnson Family – We are lifting you up in prayer and surrounding you with our love!
We also have a couple of families dealing with some health issues as well, so overall it was a heavy weekend as we held up some of our families going through rough times. I am grateful for a faithful God who is near to the brokenhearted!
On a lighter note, our Growth Groups are closing for the summer, but we had GREAT groups! We tried a new strategy under Chris Harold’s leadership and it was very successful. Begin to pray about making Growth Groups a priority for your family this fall when we open them again. They are every other week, so it’s not a difficult commitment to make, but a very valuable one!
Young Adults!!! Your Growth Group isn’t closing for the summer! You can sign up online at and they will let you know when and where to go. It has been a really good group and is growing faithfully!
We just started a series that I am excited about called Out of Control. It’s a series on stepping out in faith, which can feel very out of control! Join us over the next couple of months to see what God has to say for you!
Mark your calendars for our big move out of our Battle Ground campus. We are planning an outdoor service with baptisms and a BBQ on July 3, with a massive move following! It’s going to be a CRAZY, FUN morning, so plan to join us!
It is a mixed lot of rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn when we are a part of God’s family. It is the beautiful mess being a part of a church, and so very worth it. We love you, North Creek! Here we go!