Packing for Mexico

I have spent the day getting some things ready for our missions trip to Mexico. I’m excited to jump into a new adventure and have new stories to tell!

My agenda for this trip is two-fold. #1 – I really want to bless El Sazaul Orphanage and work myself as hard as possible to make their living situation better. I won’t stop until the job is done because that’s just how my DNA works. But #2 is much more selfish…I want to give God the opportunity to do a work in my life. Sometimes we need to get away from our daily routine to really hear God. The noise of ministry, kids, housecleaning, facebook, emails, and errands can often times cloud my perspective. There is something about getting on a plane and leaving it all behind that is good for my mind.

I’ve gotta admit, it’s past time to set aside the regular responsibilities and just breathe for a minute. Church planting is the most rewarding thing that I have ever been a part of, but it’s also the most exhausting. Living on the edge of faith at every waking minute while starting a church from the ground up is a task that has few parallels. It has been all-consuming for four years (literally to the week). I see this time in Mexico as a divine opportunity to look beyond the walls of North Creek for a while, which I desperately need to do.

Please pray for us. There are 16 people going and I know that God is doing some deep work in several of our hearts already! We also hope to come back with some great stories from the Orphanage and our work there. And I can’t wait to play with some little kids! If I could take one home with me, believe me, I would!!!

  1. Michelle said:

    Hope you have a great time and I can not wait to hear the stories.

  2. Greg said:


    We are praying for you and the team. What a tremendous opportunity for our son to get and see ‘the world’ to offer his heart and hands to help others. I’m sure that this trip will positively impact each of you as much as it does those precious kids at El Sauzal!

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