Yikes! What a morning!
OK, sometimes even I have low expectations. I thought today’s attendance would be a little low because it’s the middle of August. I was wrong. Really, really, really wrong. That sent me into a tailspin of correcting my inadequate perspective! So, with that in mind, here is my weekly recap of our Sunday morning:
We actually ran out of coffee in the big pot. A riot could have broken out, but I brewed a couple of extra pots and averted a crisis.
The youth worship team lead worship and did a fabulous job. They are great students with a heart for Jesus. And they didn’t just lead well “for teenagers”. They just led well. Period. Pastor Jeff did an amazing job creating that team! Way to go all of you!
How many new kids can you pour into our kids ministry in one day? Well, I’m pretty sure we hit the max on that one. Our regular kids were outnumbered 2 to 1 by guests. That’s fun!
Matthew and Hailey shared brief stories about the impact of adults in their lives. It’s really easy to impact a student…just show up. Mostly they need a broad support system for people in their lives who believe in them. Sometimes adults have a habit of looking at all teenagers as if they are a virus. We are very afraid of their culutre. They have weird clothes and funky hair. Here’s how you change that perspective…you say, “Hi, my name is Stacy. What’s your name?” When they start talking, you’ll realize they are indeed humans.
I didn’t get to be in any of the kids minstry programs today. Bummer!
Did you know it takes $10,000 a month to run our church?
I met with Ryan Loundsbury this afternoon regarding leading a men’s group this fall. What a quality guy! He’s going to be a great leader. Not just of our small groups, but in life.
We have quality, talented, amazing people at North Creek. And you are good at so many diverse things. It’s really remarkable! I feel really humbled to be surrounded by the caliber of leaders that we have in our midst. It pushes me to be better.
Speaking of trying to be better, I haven’t missed a day of reading at least a chapter in my Bible in over 10 years. I hope that motivates you to start somewhere. I am so thankful I did.
Kevin wants to know how many youth we have on Thursday nights…I have a suspicion that he’s gonna bring them sugar…if you weren’t in church, this means very little to you. Catch the sermon online.
My inlaws were gone today on a little mini-vacation to Lynden. I hope you have a great time!
Thanks to all of you who worked hard this morning to keep the ball rolling! It was a wonderful, wild ride!